These ministries share financial planning and fundraising responsibilities with the pastor to ensure the fiscal well-being of the parish and also allow our community the opportunity to share its treasures with those in need.
PASTORAL COUNCIL is composed of the pastor (ex-officio), a representative from the Finance Committee, and elected members from the parish community. The role of the Parish Pastoral Council is to maintain the integrity of the Parish Mission Statement and to establish and monitor the goals and objectives that promote the mission through ongoing pastoral planning. As a leadership body selected from the Parish, the council serves as an advisory body to the Pastor through prayerful discernment and empowers many dedicated parishioners to strive to attain the goals and objectives embodied in the Parish Mission.
THE BAZAAR COMMITTEE The Our Lady of the Lake Bazaar is the largest annual fund raiser for our parish. Money raised at the bazaar is used to fund capital improvements in the parish. In addition to providing much needed money for the parish, 10% of the bazaar profit is donated to local charities. Under the direction of the Pastor, the Bazaar Leadership Team plans and oversees the operation of the Bazaar. Many volunteers are needed each year to ensure the success of this event. As important as the money it raises is the community it builds. The Bazaar is a wonderful way to meet fellow parishioners.
The FINANCE COMMITTEE assists the pastor in making financial decisions and preparing an annual budget for the parish by conducting long range and fiscal plans. It provides advice to the pastor regarding investments, fundraising and cost-saving measures. This group meets monthly to compare and analyze variances of actual spending to the budget and to discuss future plans, such as capital projects. The pastor appoints voting members, and all parishioners may attend the monthly meetings.
Contact Father Michael Broderick of Our Lady of the Lake at (978) 342-2978 or [email protected].
The STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE is involved in planning and facilitating the Parish Ministry Fair and fostering other opportunities for members of our parish family to recognize the gifts that God has given them and encourage each person to use their gifts of time, talent and treasure in service to the parish family and assisting in building the Kingdom of God.
The RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COMMISSION supports the ministry of Religious Education of the parish. Members meet monthly with the Religious Education Staff to offer feedback, to plan for upcoming events, and to share work in progress. The members act as an extension of our Religious Education Staff in the parish community
Contact the Religious Education Office at (978) 342-2978, Option 4, or [email protected].