Although we cannot always celebrate Mass together at Church, we can gather on Sundays to pray and celebrate Mass together via the internet. At just before ten o'clock, click within the image above to join Mass.
For deeper faith; that we hear the voice of our Shepherd, who calls us away from the wolves of noise and distractions, to lead us to his pastures of purpose and peace; we pray to the Lord.
For Pope Francis and all bishops and clergy, chosen by Christ to shepherd his Church; for courage and fidelity to lay down their lives for the sake of God’s people; we pray to the Lord.
For our nation in this election year: may the light of the Spirit lead us to make choices that establish justice and peace, and may those we elect truly pursue the common good, and make us more and more one nation under God; we pray to the Lord.
For an end to violence, hatred, and turmoil around the world, especially in Ukraine, the Middle East, Haiti, and Nigeria: for justice and peace to reign in our world, and may we never despair knowing all things are possible with God; we pray to the Lord.
For all people to turn from their selfish pursuits of possessions and pleasure, and build a foundation for their lives and their families on the cornerstone of Christ; we pray to the Lord.
For Kamiah Healey Alliance, Reese John Robison and Lily Ann Dunbar, baptized into our parish family this weekend; for their parents and godparents to teach them to know Jesus, and to live the Gospel; we pray to the Lord.
For all who are sick, injured, weary, and afraid; and for all who have been affected by the pandemic; that all will know Jesus the Good Shepherd, to find healing and hope, and purpose and peace; we pray to the Lord.
For all who have gone before us; for all who have died in the pandemic; and for Carina Allen-Parkhurst, who recently died, and for Everett Goodale, Ken Desjean, Rose Catanese, Kathy Ricker, Philip Lavoie, Jr. and Eugenie Sasseville, whom we remember at this Mass; for our merciful Shepherd to save their souls and lead them to Heaven; we pray to the Lord.
For all service men and women and their loved ones, for the intentions in our Parish Book of Prayers and on our Prayer Line, and for all those prayers deep within our hearts, that are known to God alone; we pray to the Lord.