Although we cannot always celebrate Mass together at Church, we can gather on Sundays to pray and celebrate Mass together via the internet. At just before ten o'clock, click within the image above to join Mass.
For the credibility of Christianity to be restored; that the Lord’s laws of love rule in our hearts and our homes, and among all whom we meet; we pray to the Lord.
For the Church to communicate with courage and clarity the teachings of Jesus and the love He demands to a world that ignores the dignity of people and God’s holy law; we pray to the Lord.
For our nation to obey God’s two great commands, by protecting all life from the moment of conception until the Lord calls us Home; we pray to the Lord.
For homes to be domestic churches, where families worship Christ and keep His commandments; we pray to the Lord.
For our country: may we elect representatives who make decisions which promote the Godly and constitutional values upon which it was founded, to ensure true peace, justice, and the common good; we pray to the Lord.
For all who are ill and broken in spirit; for those who do not love the Lord; and for all who are alone and unloved; for the love of our God, and of family and friends, to bring healing and hope, and comfort and peace; we pray to the Lord.
For all who have gone before us; and for Timothy McCauliff, Chris Williams, Joanne McGuirk, our 4th and 5th Graders and their families, the parishioners of Our Lady of the Lake, whom we remember at this Mass; for our loving Lord to grant them life everlasting; and for those whose anniversaries we remember; that all souls will find peace in the arms of our loving God; we pray to the Lord.
For all service men and women and their loved ones, for the intentions in our Parish Book of Prayers and on our Prayer Line, and for all those prayers deep within our hearts, that are known to God alone; we pray to the Lord.