It was June 12th, 2015, the Solemnity of
the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the feast of
my home parish in Colombia. The
expected day had finally arrived and the joy and
happiness, as well as the nervousness, had overtaken
everyone in the house. The Mass of the Ordination
was scheduled for 11am, but everybody was ready
for the event by 6am that morning! My family was
all dressed for the occasion as if it were the event of
the century and, indeed, it was for all of us.
In the center of the house my brother, Carlos Ramos,
was totally dressed in a black suit and for his first
time, he dressed in the clerical collar. It is not
permitted for a seminarian to wear a clerical collar
during the time of formation prior to ordination. In
certain parts of Colombia, the collar is reserved for
deacons and priests.
Carlos had a big smile on his face that expressed how
happy he was. The time had arrived for all of us to go
to the church. At the church when the clock indicated
11am, everyone stood up to the sound of drums from
our African heritage and to sing praises to God.
During the ceremony Carlos could not hide his
happiness, I was also filled of that same happiness
and shared the same feelings for him. While I heard
him responding to the questions, and saw him lying in
the floor during the litany and kneeling in front of his
bishop for the laying of the hands, in every one of
those moments, I looked forward and visualized
myself in him.
As if it was a day dream, I could see my own
upcoming ordination reflected in his celebration. I
lived in advance, with my brother, that with God’s
help, it will be in my future for my diaconate
ordination. At the end of the Mass after everyone
had congratulated my brother, our family received
God’s blessing from him. I have been to many
ordinations and all of them had filled me with joy.
But to witness my own brother’s ordination,
reaffirmed once more to me that my vocational choice
of serving God in his Church through the ministerial
priesthood is the right path for me.