Although we cannot always celebrate Mass together at Church, we can gather on Sundays to pray and celebrate Mass together via the internet. At just before ten o'clock, click within the image above to join Mass.
That all disciples of Christ will love one another, and lay down their lives in service to others; we pray to the Lord.
For a new evangelization; that all clergy, religious, and laity, will share the joy of knowing Jesus and keeping his commandments; we pray to the Lord.
For our nation in this election year: may the light of the Spirit lead us to make choices that establish justice and peace, and may those we elect truly pursue the common good, and make us more and more one nation under God; we pray to the Lord.
For an end to violence, hatred, and turmoil around the world, especially in Ukraine, the Middle East, Haiti, and Nigeria: for justice and peace to reign in our world, and may we never despair knowing all things are possible with God; we pray to the Lord.
For awareness of our need for faith-filled friends, to accompany and encourage us, and help us know Christ as we journey through life; we pray to the Lord.
For all who are sick, injured, weary, and afraid, and for all who have been affected by the pandemic; that all will seek Jesus for healing and hope, and find comfort and care from family and friends; we pray to the Lord.
For all who have gone before us; for all who have died in the pandemic; and for Philip & Pauline Lavoie, Julia Riley, Dave Reed, Irene Normandin, Edgar LeBlanc, Jr., David Sweetman, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Holman, and Caroline Watson, whom we remember at this Mass; for their joy to be complete in the presence of God; we pray to the Lord.
For all service men and women and their loved ones, for the intentions in our Parish Book of Prayers and on our Prayer Line, and for all those prayers deep within our hearts, that are known to God alone; we pray to the Lord.